Protocol Selection
Protocol Port
Serial Cmd: <K160,protocol,address,protocol port> Default: 0 Options: 0 - 1 0 = Main RS-232 on QX-870 Connector A 1 = RS-422/485 on QX-870 Connector B
External Data Routing
Destination Port
Ambles to Source
Serial Cmd: <K161,mode,destination port,ambles to source,echo to source,output at end of read cycle,output at ETX,output at timeout> Default: 0 = Disabled Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
Echo to Source
Serial Cmd: <K161,mode,destination port,ambles to source,echo to source,output at end of read cycle,output at ETX,output at timeout> Default: 0 = Disabled Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
Output at End of Read Cycle
Serial Cmd: <K161,mode,destination port,ambles to source,echo to source,output at end of read cycle,output at ETX,output at timeout> Default: 0 = Disabled Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
Output at ETX
Serial Cmd: <K161,mode,destination port,ambles to source,echo to source,output at end of read cycle,output at ETX,output at timeout> Default: CR (0x0D) Options: Any 7-bit ASCII character
Output at Timeout
Serial Cmd: <K161,mode,destination port,ambles to source,echo to source,output at end of read cycle,output at ETX,output at timeout> Default: 200 (x10 ms = 2 seconds) Options: 0 - 65535