Serial Cmd: <K476,status,raster sweep count,fixed symbol length status,fixed symbol length,unused,decode at end of read cycle> Default: 0 = Disabled Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
Raster Sweep Count
Serial Cmd: <K476,status,raster sweep count,fixed symbol length status,fixed symbol length,unused,decode at end of read cycle> Default: 65535 Options: 1 to 65535
Fixed Symbol Length Status (PDF417)
Serial Cmd: <K476,status,raster sweep count,fixed symbol length status,fixed symbol length,unused,decode at end of read cycle> Default: 0 = Disabled Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
Fixed Symbol Length (PDF417)
Serial Cmd: <K476,status,raster sweep count,fixed symbol length status,fixed symbol length,unused,decode at end of read cycle> Default: 10 Options: 1 to 2710
Decode at End of Read Cycle (PDF417)
Serial Cmd: <K476,status,raster sweep count,fixed symbol length status,fixed symbol length,unused,decode at end of read cycle> Default: 0 = Disabled Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled