
Serial Commands

Note: For a list of utility commands such as defaults, read rate requests, device control options, and imager status requests, see Serial Utility Commands.

RS-232 A
<K100,baud rate,parity,stop bits,data bits>
RS-232 B
<K101,status,baud rate,parity,stop bits,data bits>
<K102,status,baud rate,parity,stop bits,data bits>
<K126,status,IP address,subnet,gateway,IP address mode>
Ethernet TCP Ports
<K127,TCP Port 1,TCP Port 2>
Search and Configure Mode
<K128,ESP Search and Configure Mode>
RS-232 A Data Type
<K130,symbol data output,extra symbol information,diagnostic output,external source processing mode>
RS-232 B Data Type
<K131,symbol data output,extra symbol information,diagnostic output,external source processing mode>
RS-422 Data Type
<K132,symbol data output,extra symbol information,diagnostic output,external source processing mode>
Ethernet TCP Port 1 Data Type
<K133,symbol data output,extra symbol information,diagnostic output,external source processing mode>
Ethernet TCP Port 2 Data Type
<K134,symbol data output,extra symbol information,diagnostic output,external source processing mode>
Response Timeout
<K143,response timeout>
LRC Status
ACK/NAK Options
Polling Mode Options
Autoconfiguration Daisy Chain
Protocol Selection
<K160,protocol,address,protocol port>
External Data Routing
<K161,mode,destination port,ambles to source,echo to source,output at end of read cycle,output at ETX,output at timeout>
Array Communication Modes
<K162,mode,source,daisy chain i.d. status,daisy chain i.d.>
Read Cycle
Trigger / Trigger Filter Duration
<K200,trigger mode,leading edge trigger filter duration,trailing edge trigger filter duration>
Serial Trigger Character
<K201,serial trigger character>
External Trigger State
<K202,external trigger state>
End of Read Cycle
<K220,mode,read cycle timeout>
Decodes Before Output
<K221,number before output>
<K222,number of symbols,multisymbol separator>
Serial Trigger Start Character
<K229,start character>
Serial Trigger Stop Character
<K230,stop character>
Capture Mode
<K241,mode,number of captures,rapid capture mode>
Capture Time
<K242,time before first capture,time between 1-2,time between 2-3,time between 3-4,time between 4-5,time between 5-6,time between 6-7,time between 7-8>
Store No Read Image
<K244,image storage type,image storage mode>
Image Processing Timeout
<K245,image processing timeout>
Number of Symbols in Field of View
<K518,number of symbols in field of view>
Configuration Database
Number of Active Indexes
<K252,number of active indexes,sort database>
Configuration Database
<K255,index,shutter speed,gain,focal distance,sub-sampling,row pointer,column pointer,row depth,column width,symbol type>
Load Current Setting from Configuration Database
Request Database Index Setting
Request All Database Settings
Database Mode
<K256,switch mode,frame count/time,image process looping, image dimensions>
<K453,symbology status,separator status,separator>
Micro QR Code
Postal Symbologies
<K460,postal type,POSTNET status, PLANET status,USPS4CB status,POSTNET allow B and B' fields,Australia Post allow 0 FCC>
Code 39
<K470,status,check character status,check character output status, large intercharacter gap,fixed symbol length status,fixed symbol length,full ASCII set>
<K471,status,start/stop match status,start/stop output status, large intercharacter gap,fixed symbol length status,fixed symbol length,check character type,check character output status>
Interleaved 2 of 5
<K472,status,check character status,check character output status, symbol length 1,symbol length 2,guard bar,range mode status>
<K473,UPC status,EAN status,supplementals status,separator status,separator character,supplementals type,UPC-E as UPC-A>
Code 128 / EAN 128
<K474,status,fixed symbol length status,fixed symbol length, EAN status,output format,application record separator status, application record separator character,application record brackets, application record padding>
Code 93
<K475,status,fixed symbol length status,fixed symbol length>
<K476,status,unused,fixed symbol length status,fixed symbol length,unused,codeword collection>
<K477,status,fixed bar count status,fixed bar count,minimum bar count,bar width mode,direction,fixed threshold value,background>
Data Matrix
<K479,ECC 200 status,ECC 000 status,ECC 050 status,ECC 080 status,ECC 100 status,ECC 140 status,ECC 120 status>
QR Code
<K481,status,check character output,fixed symbol length status, fixed symbol length>
DataBar Omnidirectional
DataBar Limited
DataBar Expanded
<K484,status,fixed symbol length status,fixed symbol length>
<K485,status,unused,fixed length status,fixed symbol length>
Camera Setup
Window of Interest
<K516,row pointer,column pointer,row depth,column width>
Focus Distance
<K525,focal distance,distance units,lens type>
Camera Settings
<K541,shutter speed,gain>
Morphological Pre-Processing
Morphological Operations
I/O Parameters
Calibration Options
<K529,gain,shutter speed,focus position,symbol type,window of interest framing,window of interest margin>
Serial Verification
<K701,serial command echo status, serial command beep status, control/hex output>
Quality Output
<K704,quality output separator, decodes per trigger status>
Symbol Data Output
<K705,symbol data output status, when to output symbol data>
Read Duration Output
Global Symbol Quality Output
<K708,quality output separator,output mode>
ISO/IEC 16022 Parameters
<K709,symbol contrast,print growth,axial non-uniformity,unused ECC>
Data Matrix Grading
<K710,percent cell damage,total read time,capture time,locate time,decode time,pixels per element,ECC level,matrix size,quiet zone,symbol angle>
No Read Message
Input 1
<K730,input mode,active state>
Frame Information
<K734,output frame number,output coordinates>
ISO/IEC 16022 Grade LED Display
<K737,unused,LED AIM LED display>
Green Flash LED
<K750,LED status,targeting status,green flash duration>
Status Indicators
<K751,comm,bar graph,I/O 1,I/O 2>
EZ Trax Output
<K757,status,port,image mode,image format,image quality, object info enable,grade enable>
Database Identifier Output
<K759,status,separator character>
EZ Button
<K770,global status,default on power-on,load configuration database, save for power-on>
EZ Button Modes
<K771,first beep,second beep,third beep,fourth beep>>
Trend Analysis Output 1
<K780,trend analysis mode,number of triggers,number to output on,decodes per trigger>
Trend Analysis Output 2
<K781,trend analysis mode,number of triggers,number to output on,decodes per trigger>
Trend Analysis Output 3
<K782,trend analysis mode,number of triggers,number to output on,decodes per trigger>
Diagnostics Output 1
<K790,unused,service unit>
Diagnostics Output 2
<K791,unused,service unit>
Diagnostics Output 3
<K792,unused,service unit>
Symbol Quality Output 1
<K800,Output on Symbol Contrast,Symbol Contrast Threshold, Output on Print Growth,Print Growth Threshold,Output on Axial Non-Uniformity,Axial Non-Uniformity Threshold,Output on Unused ECC,Unused ECC Threshold>
Symbol Quality Output 2
<K801,Output on Symbol Contrast,Symbol Contrast Threshold, Output on Print Growth,Print Growth Threshold,Output on Axial Non-Uniformity,Axial Non-Uniformity Threshold,Output on Unused ECC,Unused ECC Threshold>
Symbol Quality Output 3
<K802,Output on Symbol Contrast,Symbol Contrast Threshold, Output on Print Growth,Print Growth Threshold,Output on Axial Non-Uniformity,Axial Non-Uniformity Threshold,Output on Unused ECC,Unused ECC Threshold>
Output 1 Parameters
<K810,output on,output state,pulse width,output mode>
Output 2 Parameters
<K811,output on,output state,pulse width,output mode>
Output 3 Parameters
<K812,output on,output state,pulse width,output mode>
<K223,matchcode type,sequential matching,match start position, match length,wild card,sequence on no read,sequence on mismatch>
Master Symbol Database Size
<K224,number of master symbols>
New Master Pin
Master Symbol
<K231,index,master symbol data>
Match Replace
<K735,status,replacement string>
Mismatch Replace
<K736,status,replacement string>
Hours Since Reset (Read-only)
<K407> (returns: hours,minutes)
Service Message
<K409,status,service message, threshold,resolution>
User-Defined Name
<K412,user-defined name>
Output Format
Format Extract
<K740,output index,start location,length>
Format Insert
<K741,output index,length,hex string>
Format Assign
<K742,symbol number,status>
Output Format Status
<K743,output format status>
Output Filter Configuration
<K744,filter number,symbology,length,wildcard,placeholder, data,unused,database index>
Output Filter Enable
<K745,number of filters>
