
Check Character Type (Codabar)

When disabled, the imager will not perform any character checking calculations on decoded Codabar symbols.
When set to Mod 16, the imager will perform a modulus 16 check character calculation on the symbol. If the symbol does not pass this calculation, it will not be decoded.
When set to NW7, The imager will perform an NW7 modulus 11 check character calculation on the symbol. If the symbol does not pass this calculation, it will not be decoded.
When set to Both, the imager will perform both the Mod 16 and NW7 modulus 11 check character calculations on the symbol. If the symbol does not pass either calculation, it will not be decoded.
Serial Cmd:
<K471,status,start/stop match,start/stop output,large intercharacter gap,fixed symbol length status,symbol length,check character type,check character output>
0 = Disabled
1 = Mod 16
2 = NW7 (Mod 11)
3 = Mod 16 and NW7
