USPS4CB, also called Intelligent Mail, is used by the United States
Postal Service to sort and track individual items as well as flats
of mail. USPS4CB combines the capabilities of POSTNET and PLANET,
and can encode 31 digits (65 bars). USPS4CB symbols are slightly
longer than POSTNET symbols, and offer additional flexibility in
choosing symbol height and width.
Data is encoded in four types of bars
("states"), each of which is identified by a name and a value. This
type of postal symbol is known as "4-state". Each bar has a
"tracker", or middle section, to which an "ascender" (top section)
or "descender" (bottom section) may be added. The 4-state format
allows the symbol to contain more information, and makes it easier
to decode. 4-state symbols can also be printed easily in a variety
of media, including dot matrix, inkjet, and laser.
Serial Cmd:
<K460,postal symbology type,POSTNET status,PLANET status,USPS4CB status,POSTNET
allow B and B' fields,Australia Post allow 0 FCC>