Configuring EZ Trax Output by Serial Command Usage: Useful for when you want to configure EZ Trax output using serial commands instead of the EZ Trax graphic interface. Definition: When EZ Trax output is enabled, the imager will attempt to output all enabled EZ Trax options. EZ Trax will not function unless enabled. Serial Cmd: <K757,status,comm port,image mode,image format,JPEG quality,object info output, grade output> Default: Disabled Options: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled Comm Port Definition: Selects the communication port that will be used to transfer image files. Serial Cmd: <K757,status,comm port,image mode,image format,JPEG quality,object info output, grade output> Default: Host Options: 0 = Host 1 = Aux 2 = USB