
Image Processing Timeout

Caution: Image Processing Timeout, if not properly set, can have a negative impact on good reads.

Useful in higher speed applications where image processing time is long enough that not all captures have an opportunity to be processed.
Specifies the maximum amount of time to process a captured image. When the timeout expires, the image processing is aborted. This timeout works in both Rapid Capture and Continuous Capture modes, as well as with the Configuration Database.
Serial Cmd:
<K245,image processing timeout>
5,000 mS (5 sec.)
1 to 65535 (in 1mS increments)


  • The timeout period does not include capture time.
  • If a timeout occurs during processing and no symbols in the field of view have been decoded, the image will be recorded as a No Read. For this reason, a longer timeout should be tried to ensure that the symbol is decoded successfully.
