Install ESP
Easy Setup Program (ESP) is Microscan's proprietary setup and testing application. The purpose of ESP is to provide a quick and easy way to set up and configure Microscan products.
When the MS-Connect 210 is connected to a host computer (Windows Vista, XP, or 2000), ESP can be used to configure Ethernet settings and to set up communications between the MS-Connect 210 and a host or network.
If installing from the Microscan Tools CD:
Note: During installation, you may see an Internet Explorer Security Warning that states: "The publisher could not be verified." If you see this warning, click Run to continue installation.
If downloading from the web:
- Go to the Download Center at
- Create a new member account or, if you are already a member, enter your user name and password.
- Navigate to the "Microscan Software" section of the Download Center (near the top of the page).
- Click on the link showing the latest version of ESP. Extract the ESP installation files to a location of your choice on the host computer. Note where your ESP.exe file is stored on your hard drive.
- At the end of the installation process, the following icon will appear on your desktop:
- Click the ESP icon to start the program.