
USB HID Interface

The USB version of the Quadrus MINI Velocity operates as an HID (Human Interface Device) on the USB bus. HID-class devices communicate via "report" packets. An HID may support multiple report types, each of which is identified with a unique report ID. The Quadrus MINI Velocity supports two different report types:

  • Microscan HID Report (ID = 1)
  • Keyboard Report (ID = 2)

The imager always outputs the same data for both report types. The user may enable or disable either report type.

Regardless of the report type used by the host application, the application protocol via USB is identical to RS-232/RS-422 ports. HID Reports are used as a channel for standard Microscan imager communication, command input, and symbol data output.

Important: No matter how the imager is configured, it is always able to receive and respond to commands from the host application using Microscan HID Reports.
