
Additional Notes about Calibration

The following conditions apply to the imager's calibration process. Some of these items are noted at various points throughout this section, or in other sections of the imager's documentation.

  • The Mirrored Image parameter <K514> is not part of the calibration process.
  • IP Mode <K527> will not be altered during calibration.
  • Threshold Mode <K512> will be set to Adaptive during calibration. At the end of a successful calibration, Threshold Mode will remain set to Adaptive regardless of its previous setting. Otherwise, the value will revert to its original state.
  • If Symbol Type is enabled for calibration (Autodiscriminate), then Interleaved 2 of 5 Range Mode Status (Interleaved 2 of 5) <K472> will be enabled. This allows variable-length Interleaved 2 of 5 symbols to be decoded. If an Interleaved 2 of 5 symbol is decoded during calibration, then code length # 1 will be set to the decoded symbol length at the end of calibration. Otherwise, the symbol lengths will be restored to their original configurations.
  • All symbol types that were enabled before calibration will still be enabled after calibration. For example, if Data Matrix ECC 200 was enabled before calibration, and the calibration routine was performed on a Code 128 symbol, then after calibration is completed both Data Matrix ECC 200 and Code 128 will be enabled.
  • The calibration process does not modify the global Composite status <K453>. The global Composite status must be configured properly before calibration.
  • If the user requires calibration of a stacked symbology <K482>, <K483>, or <K484>, that symbology must be enabled and configured appropriately before calibration.
  • The Search process will use the configurable Window of Interest for image captures. However, when the search process is completed, the WOI will be reduced to include only the symbol of interest and some additional boundary area.
