
Stop Trigger Character (Non-Delimited)

Useful in applications where different characters are required to end a read cycle.
A single ASCII host serial trigger character that ends the read cycle and is not enclosed by delimiters such as < and >.
Non-delimited Stop characters can be defined and will function according to the trigger event.
When defining Stop trigger characters, the following rules apply:
  • In External Edge the imager looks only for the Start trigger character and ignores any Stop trigger character that may be defined.
  • In External Level the Start trigger character begins the read cycle and the Stop trigger character ends it. Note that even after a symbol has been decoded and the symbol data transmitted, the imager remains in External Level trigger read cycle until a Stop character is received.
  • In Serial Data or External Edge trigger mode, either a Start trigger character or a hardware trigger can start an edge trigger read cycle.
Serial Cmd:
<K230,stop character>
NUL (00 in hex) (disabled)
Two hex digits representing an ASCII character.

Important: The ASCII characters <, >, and , can only be entered as hex pairs:

For <: <K230h,3C>

For >: <K230h,3E>

For , : <K230h,2C>

See ASCII Character Entry Modifier for a detailed explanation of how to enter ASCII characters as hex values.
