
Time Between Captures

This is useful in applications where more than one symbol can appear during a single read cycle (multisymbol), or where line speeds are slow enough that captured frames might overlap or miss a symbol.
A time delay can be inserted between individual frame captures in Rapid Capture Mode.
Serial Cmd:
<K242,time before 1st capture,time between captures [time 1,time 2,...time7]>
Entering 0s will result in no time between captures.
Entering a different value in each field will vary the time delays accordingly.
Note: You must enter time values along with comma separators for each field you want to change. If you omit fields, or enter only commas, the fields will remain as previously set.
Important: If the imager is configured to capture more than 8 images, the last (or 8th) delay value will be repeated for the remaining captures.
0 to 65535 (2.097 seconds, in 32 µS increments)

Note: Number of Captures and number of frame delays (Time Between Captures) must be the same.
