
Postal Symbologies

Note: Postal Symbologies are only supported when Q-Mode is enabled.

Important: Postal Symbologies must have a pixels-per-element value of no more than 7 to be decoded reliably by the Quadrus MINI Velocity.

The imager must be configured to specific read range, field of view, and camera parameters before decoding Postal Symbologies.

For optimal decode results with a Standard Density (SD) imager:

  • Set Focal Distance to 6" and set gain and shutter settings for a high contrast image.
  • Position the imager 3.5" to 6" from the symbol (5-10" if Pixel Binning is disabled).
  • Position the symbol as close to the center of the imager's field of view as possible.

Note: Measurements based on a 16 mil (60 dpi) POSTNET symbol.
