

The Orientation property tells the OCR algorithm how to interpret rotationally ambiguous results. It specifies how to orient decoded OCR data output when the orientation cannot be determined from the physical OCR text itself. OCR text does not provide true omnidirectionality. Given the following OCR-B text, one would not know if the final output should be HOHOHOHO (right orientation - left to right) or OHOHOHOH (left orientation - right to left) since both H and A are rotationally symmetrical:
Important: If the orientation cannot be determined from the OCR text (as is the case with the string shown above), and the "orientation" parameter is not set properly, then incorrect OCR results may be produced. If misreads are not acceptable and there is no guarantee of the orientation of OCR text, then setting the option to "none" will suppress answers where orientation cannot be determined.
Serial Cmd:
<K461,status,active template,orientation,single row,background,uncertain characters,strip checksum,special character,passport checksum>
Right (left-to-right)
0 = Up (bottom-to-top)
1 = Down (top-to-bottom)
2 = Left (right-to-left)
3 = Right (left-to-right)
4 = None

Up (Bottom-to-Top)

Up - Text normally flows from the bottom to the top of the image.
