
Uncertain Characters

When Uncertain Characters is enabled, the imager will decode OCR strings and include characters that the algorithm is unable to identify.
Uncertain characters are issued as a group, starting with ASCII value 29 (Group Separator), followed by zero or more ASCII characters (the first being the most likely, followed by decreasingly likely characters). The group is terminated by another Group Separator character. If there are no characters between a pair of Group Separator characters, then no possible character for that position was determined. Counting each uncertain group as a single character, the total number of characters output will match the length of the "winning" OCR template.
Important: This parameter only affects the internal passport template. It is ignored by all other OCR templates.
Serial Cmd:
<K461,status,active template,orientation,single row,background,uncertain characters,strip checksum,special character,passport checksum>
0 = Disabled
1 = Enabled
