
Bad Symbol Message

Note: Bad Symbol Message is not supported when Q-Mode is enabled.

Useful in determining if a symbol is present and if user defined requirements for that symbol are met. Can tell the user if a qualified symbol is present but not decodable.
Sets the requirements that will qualify an object or a symbol before outputting a decode or message. When enabled, sends a message to the host whenever an object meets the qualifications setup but is not decoded.
Note: When Symbology Identifier is enabled, the Bad Symbol message is preceded by the identifier for the symbology being used.
Serial Cmd:
Up to 64 ASCII characters.

Important: The ASCII characters <, >, and , can only be entered as hex pairs:

For <: <K715h,,3C>

For >: <K715h,,3E>

For , : <K715h,,2C>

See ASCII Character Entry Modifier for a detailed explanation of how to enter ASCII characters as hex values.
