
Image Output

This feature allows the user to select what read cycle condition triggers the image file output.
Used to output an image file when a specified read cycle condition has been met, such as No Read or Good Read. When the read cycle is complete, the normal read cycle output will occur, including any configured postamble or preamble data. The read cycle will the check if image output is enabled, and if the specified read cycle condition has been met. If both these conditions are true, the image file will be output to the user-specified communication port in the user-specified image file format.
Serial Cmd:
<K739,image output mode,communication port,file format,JPEG quality>
0 = Disabled
1 = Good Read
2 = No Read
3 = No Read or Good Read
4 = Mismatch

Good Read

If a Good Read condition is met during the read cycle, the image file corresponding with the first Good Read will be output. The image file will immediately follow the read cycle output and postambles. For a Good Read condition to occur, all symbols in the read cycle must qualify.
