
Camera and IP Setup Serial Commands

IP Threshold
<K512,threshold mode,fixed threshold value,cycle min,cycle max,cycle step,adaptive contrast percent>
Mirrored Image
<K514,mirrored image>
Window of Interest
<K516,row pointer,column pointer,row depth,column width>
Hollow Mode
<K517,hollow mode status>
Number of Symbols in Field of View
<K518,number of symbols in field of view>
Damaged Symbol
<K519,damaged symbol status>
Focal Distance
<K525,focal distance>
Increment Focus Position
Decrement Focus Position
Focal Distance Table (Read-Only)
<K526,number of focal distances,focal distance>
IP Mode
<K527,IP Mode,FLM direction>
Illumination Brightness
Camera Settings
<K541,shutter speed,gain>
Camera Features
<K542,pixel binning,AEC/AGC mode,AEC/AGC brightness>
