
Window of Interest by ESP

  • From the Camera menu, click the WOI tab to bring up Window of Interest.

If you haven't already captured an image, click the Capture and Decode button to decode the present image. If successful, the Good Read indicator on the WOI tab will be green and the symbol will appear in the pane below.

Note: You can resize the image by clicking and dragging the ESP window from the lower right corner. This is useful where very small symbols are being read.

  • Click and drag your cursor over the symbol that you want to isolate for reading.

Notice that the surrounding area goes black.

You can use the handles on the image area that you have just drawn to resize the region of interest. You can also click on the center of the window of interest and move it.

  • Test the new settings in Read Rate Mode.

Note: To remove the window of interest, click the Reset button or click anywhere in the WOI pane.

Note that all pixels not in the WOI are defined as black.

Because the imager has far less processing to do in a smaller window, read rates typically increase dramatically. One possible downside is that the chance of missing a symbol increases with the smaller window. Always verify that your WOI will be large enough to allow for any random movement of symbols in your field of view.
