
Threshold Mode

Fixed Mode works best when decode time must be as short as possible and the reflectance and illumination of the symbol area is uniform and unchanging. Cycle Fixed Mode is useful in applications where decode time can be slightly longer, and reflectance and illumination of the symbol area is uniform and unchanging. Otherwise, Adaptive Mode is the preferred mode.
This value switches the image processing threshold mode between the Adaptive, Fixed, and Cycle Fixed modes.
An adaptive routine sets the light/dark threshold using data acquired from the current read. A fixed routine applies the same gray scale threshold value to each and every symbol. A cycle fixed routine loops through a pre-defined range of values (Cycle Min to Cycle Max) by pre-defined increments (Cycle Step).
Serial Cmd:
<K512,threshold mode,fixed threshold value,cycle min,cycle max,cycle step,adaptive contrast percent>
0 = Adaptive
1 = Fixed
2 = Cycle Fixed
