Multiple Symbols with Same Symbol Data Operation

ROI can be used to decode more than one of the same symbols and treat them as different symbols. Multi Symbol Operation will work within the following rules:

  • Multiple symbols of same symbol data can only be handled by using ROI mode. This can only be done between different ROI IP Region settings.
  • ROI IP Region settings within the database must be sequential (Not Interlaced) in order to correctly know when a new region has been tried. If Database slot 2 and 3 are swapped, the imager would then treat them as 4 separate ROI regions. This would result in 4 different symbols with GDR of 1 instead of 2 different symbols with GDR count of 2.
  • ROI Regions will count the same symbol in the same region as additional decodes, but only spanning multiple frames. Each decode of same symbol with same ROI will add to the GDR count with additional frames.
  • Multiple symbols can be within each ROI Region but cannot identify multiple Same Symbols. If same symbol is in a ROI twice per frame then it will be counted as 1 decode or 1 more GDR count, the second will be ignored.
  • Filtering can only be done with database # because all other data is same.
