

  • Pixel Step - The averaging process can be applied to EACH PIXEL or EVERY OTHER PIXEL of the input image.
  • EACH PIXEL - The resultant image is of the same size as that of the input ROI. This is the default.
  • EVERY OTHER PIXEL - The width and height of the resultant image are half of those of the input ROI, respectively.
  • Iteration - The number of averaging operations to be applied to the input image.

Default: 1

  • Stop if Pollution Exists - When an ROI is placed close to the boundary of the image display, the number of iterations may cause some boundary pixels of the output image to become polluted. These polluted pixels are the result of the averages involving some padded (unknown) pixels. When this setting is true, MeanLP Filter will stop the execution and return an error. Otherwise, when the execution completes, the polluted pixels may be highlighted depending on the setting of Hilight Polluted Pixels.

Default: Disabled

  • Hilight Polluted Pixels - When enabled, and Stop if Pollution Exists is disabled, the polluted pixels will be painted red in the output buffer.

Default: Enabled
