
Product Summary

The VS-1 Smart Camera, one of our Visionscape® family of networked Smart Cameras, combines a rugged IP67 smart camera form-factor with the broad applicability, flexibility, and proven vision toolkit of Visionscape®. Designed for use in a broad range of vision applications, the VS-1 Smart Camera provides a cost effective, easily deployed solution for manufacturers to monitor quality, control processes, or identify and trace parts on their production lines.

VS-1 Smart Cameras are configured as flexible, general-purpose smart cameras with C-mount optics and separate lighting. The VS-1 Smart Camera comes standard with built-in digital I/O, serial communications, and Ethernet networking. All vision processing is done on-board using a high performance, embedded CPU. A real-time, multitasking operating system ensures deterministic performance and facilitates integration in high-speed manufacturing lines.

The VS-1 Smart Camera offers an extensive array of built-in vision processing tools, including Data Matrix and bar code reading, optical character recognition (OCR), image processing, image analysis and feature extraction, flaw detection, object location, calibrated dimensional measurements, and various custom processing options. Developed and perfected on prior generations of our machine vision systems, these tools have already been successfully applied in thousands of production installations worldwide.

Setup of a new vision application to run on the camera is done on a host PC on the same network using the same powerful graphical application environment as the rest of the Visionscape® line. Our patented Visionscape® step program architecture allows running the same vision application program on any VS-1 Smart Camera, leveraging the end-user's investment in application development and training.

Scaleability and compatibility with the rest of the Visionscape® family set the VS-1 Smart Camera apart from other smart cameras in the market today. The same point-and-click environment can be used to configure applications deployed on smart cameras and GigE cameras.

The Smart Camera family supports 16 MB of Non-Volatile memory for Kernel and Job saving (3 MB maximum AVP size) and 64 MB of RAM for operation. The camera sensor (depending on model) supports acquisitions of:

  • 1024x768 (XGA) images at a maximum rate of 30 frames/sec
  • 648x494 (VGA) images at a maximum rate of 60 frames/sec

It also supports 8 opto idolated digital IO lines in addition to a dedicated light connector for controlling and powering an external light (VS-1 Smart Camera HE1610T configuration only). Partial scan at higher frame rates is supported.

There is full support for:

  • Acquisition modes, including:
  • Exposure (64 usec to 58.8 msec)
  • Analog gain (0.1 to 63.0)
  • Offset (-255 to +255)
  • VS-1 Smart Camera I/O:
  • 1 trigger
  • 1 strobe output
  • 3 opto isolated outputs
  • 4 additional opto isolated general purpose I/O fully assignable in the AVP
