
Jobs and Storage in Non-Volatile Memory

The maximum Non-Volatile Memory area for Jobs is 16MB for the Enhanced VS-1 Smart Camera (32/128), and 4.8MB for the Standard VS-1 Smart Camera (16/64). This includes the Job plus any support files if used in the AVP:

  • IntelliFind models
  • OCV/OCR Fonts
  • Perl scripts
  • Acquire Tool tiff or bmp image list (when programmed to capture from disk)

To determine the size of an AVP from FrontRunner, select File > Show Job Info... and navigate to the AVP file on the disk. FrontRunner displays a dialog that shows the File Size of the AVP and other statistics about the Job.

FIGURE 1-2. 

File Size of Job

Determine support file sizes by adding up the file sizes of the models, fonts, perl scripts, and tiff images used in the AVP (these are usually stored under \Vscape\Jobs Contours, Fonts subdirectories). Overall, the maximum size used (AVP + support files) cannot exceed 16MB for the enhanced VS-1 Smart Camera or 4.8MB for the standard VS-1 Smart Camera.
