
Full Duplex Mode

When communication to and from the auxiliary port is required.
In Full Duplex Mode all auxiliary port data and symbol data is sent directly to the host. Symbol data is not displayed on the auxiliary port menu.
Serial Cmd:
<K101,aux port mode,baud rate,parity,stop bits,data bits,daisy chain i.d. status,daisy chain i.d.>
3 = Full Duplex

Data Originating from the Auxiliary Port
  • Auxiliary port data to the host is ignored if the imager is in a polled mode.

  • Auxiliary port data or read data is sent to the host whenever it is received.
  • Auxiliary port data is not echoed.
  • Auxiliary port data to the host is always sent without a preamble or postamble.
Data Originating from the Imager
  • Data is not sent to the auxiliary port.

Data Originating from the Host
  • All host data is echoed to the auxiliary port in unpolled mode.
