
Daisy Chain Mode

Useful in applications where:
  • More than one symbol type is present.
  • A symbol may be present on multiple sides of a package.
  • Symbols are presented at different depths.
In a daisy chain application, readers are connected in tandem or a "daisy chain" and decoded data is relayed from one reader to another until the data reaches the host.
A primary reader has its host port linked to the host computer and its auxiliary port linked to the host port of the first secondary reader in the chain. Thereafter, each secondary reader's auxiliary port is linked to the host port of the secondary reader that is farther from the host in the daisy chain.
Each reader in the chain can be assigned an ID that accompanies any data that it sends.
Serial Cmd:
<K101,aux port mode,baud rate,parity,stop bits,data bits,daisy chain i.d. status,daisy chain i.d.>
4 = Daisy Chain
Before the primary reader times out, it checks its auxiliary port for data. It should be set to wait at least 30 ms for each secondary reader in the daisy chain. If no data is received within the read cycle timeout, the primary reader sends a No Read message to the host. Otherwise the complete data is sent.
If, for example, the primary reader is set to timeout in 120 ms, the first secondary reader reader downstream might be set to 90 ms, the next to 30 ms, and so forth, thus assuring that at least 30 ms elapses between transmissions.
Daisy-chained readers can send a series of symbols by enabling Multisymbol and a common multisymbol separator. If the primary reader does not receive the expected number of symbols, No Read messages are appended to the data string to make up the difference between the number of symbols enabled in Multisymbol and the number of symbols read.
For example, a primary and two secondary readers have Number of Symbols set to 3 and Multisymbol Separator defined as %. If the primary and the first secondary reader do not find symbols, but the next secondary reader registers a Good Read, the transmitted results would be:

symbol data % No Read % No Read
