
Output Opto Wiring

Figure 2-10 shows the output opto wiring for isolated input.

FIGURE 2-10. 

GPIO Output Opto Wiring (NPN and PNP)

Note 1: GPIO IN COM typically connected to ground.
Note 2: GPIO IN COM typically connected to Voltage.

Figure 2-11 shows the output opto wiring for isolated relay and PLC inputs.

FIGURE 2-11. 

Output Opto Wiring (Relay and PLC Inputs)

Figure 2-12 shows the output opto wiring for non-isolated inputs.

FIGURE 2-12. 

GPIO Output Opto Wiring (Relay and PLC Inputs)

  • GPIO IN COM typically connected to ground.

Caution: The maximum current that can pass through the optoisolators is 50 mA. Non-isolation setup can cause damage to the VS-1 Smart Camera if excessive voltage is applied to the optoisolators.

FIGURE 2-13. 

VS-1 Smart Camera I/O Simplified Circuit Diagram
