
By default, the VS-1 Smart Camera utilizes Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (RFC2131) for dynamic IP addressing. You can also configure the camera to use a "static" IP address. Please contact your MIS department to determine if your network uses DHCP addressing. If your network uses static IP addressing, contact your MIS department to obtain a unique static IP address for the camera before proceeding.

Note: Important: Although the use of DHCP is convenient when initially setting up the camera, it should not be used when deployed. In a production environment, all networked components should use static IP addresses to prevent communication issues related to DHCP renewals.

You can change network parameters using the Visionscape® Network Browser (Start > Visionscape > Tools > Visionscape Network Browser) once the camera is connected via Ethernet (on a subnet or using a crosslink cable).

  • Select a camera in the Network view and click Change Network Settings.

You will need to take control of the camera before proceeding to the Network Settings dialog; the default username is "hawkeye" and the default password is "vision".

This is the standard and most straight forward method of setting the network parameters on the camera as it does not require a serial connection.

  • Select DHCP ("Obtain an IP address automatically") or Static IP ("Use the following address") and fill in a logical address and network mask, as shown in Figure D-1. Also, see Table D-1.


Network Overview and Network Settings

  • When you are done, click OK. The camera will be rebooted automatically for the changes to take effect.

Note: All the Network parameters of the camera are stored in Non-Volatile memory and can also be modified from the Bootloader (a low-level diagnostics program) that can be invoked using HyperTerminal and a Serial connection. This is described in Appendix E, "Updating Firmware on VS-1 Smart Cameras," as many unique and useful parameters can only be changed using this method.
