
Updating the Firmware with Smart Camera Update

Note: Do not cycle power on the Smart Camera during this procedure.

Use the following procedure to update the firmware on your VS-1 Smart Camera with the Smart Camera Update utility:

  • Start the Smart Camera Update utility by selecting Start > Visionscape > Tools > HawkEye 1600(T) Firmware Update.

The Smart Camera Update utility displays its main screen, as shown in Figure E-1.


Smart Camera Update Main Screen

  • In the top pull-down menu, select the Smart Camera you want to update.
  • In the bottom pull-down menu, select the desired firmware version.
  • Enter the user name (default is hawkeye) and password (default is vision) for the Smart Camera
  • Click Update Firmware.

You see the progress of the Update procedure as a set of stages and progress bars. After completion, either of the following is displayed:

  • A success message indicating that your Smart Camera has been successfully updated
  • A failure message with the reason for the failure and what stage of the Update failed
  • Click Exit.
