Effective Frame Per Second and Pipeline Operation Formulas
Use the following formula to calculate effective FrameRatePerSecond in a Visionscape® Job:
1000.0 EFPS = ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (IT IntegrationTime + VFT VendorFrameTime + VSO VS Overhead) in msec
Where VS Overhead is typically:
Interrupt Latency + Framework Overhead = 0.5 msec max
In Table 1-2, EFPS is given in PowerStrobe with 1msec Integration time and Job in full pipeline, meaning that the Job tools + idle processing time, i.e., less than (IT + VFT + 0.5) above.
Full Pipeline = (AVT AVP Processing Time + IDT Inspection Idle Time + LossLess Connection Overhead) < (IT + VFT + VSO) idle time is defaulted to 3% of the Inspection Time as defined in the VisionSystemStep property page.
Table 1-2 lists VS-1 Smart Camera models, modes, and frames per second.
TABLE 1-2. VS-1 Smart Camera Modes, Ranges, and FPS