
Triggering Rules for Single Channel Devices

The VS-1 Smart Camera has a single acquisition channel. When a Job is constructed, only one Acquire can run at a time. Table 1-3 summarizes the recommended cases. Note that Visionscape® enforces this condition by honoring the first Acquire requested and generating an overrun on any other Acquire that are requested to run from the external controlling device (usually, an external trigger or a PLC).

TABLE 1-3. Triggering Rules

Job Structure

Snapshot Triggers

Behavior and Comments

1 Inspection/
Multiple Snapshots
1st triggered only or
No triggers
Function without overruns, no further action from external controlling device.
1 Inspection/
Multiple Snapshots
All triggered
1st triggered externally, remaining self triggered from PicDone signal of previous Acquire.
N (max 4) inspections/
1 Snapshot Each
All triggered/Each on a separate trigger
Works as expected in external controlling device makes sure that one Inspection is triggered at a time.
